When Is The Right Time To Immigrate To Canada? Things to Know When Immigrating at over 50 years

Permanent Residence
6 min readAug 16, 2019



When you are above 40 or 50 and you want to relocate to Canada, for sure your question will span across the following…

Churning it down a bit, more critical questions are, if I am accepted at 39, how do I go about my Visa Application Tracking & what are the top (FAQs)?

I might not know if you have contacted an agent and they told you otherwise, I won’t be surprised after all they are after the payment of NGN 100,000 and above.

But here are the ideal answers from those have Permanent Residence in Canada. One is supported by Emeviks who had relocated since 2007 or thereabout, and the most relevant is from Mr. Victor Jedgede who moved his family of 4 just in 2017 after struggling since 2010 on Canada relocation and wasting over NGN 5,000,000 (million on agents).

When Is The Right Time To Immigrate To Canada?

According to Kadayam, who lives in Canada

The short answer is, immigrate now if you’re younger than 30 years old. The immigration system in Canada is based on points, and you’re penalized for being over 30 years old (subtract 5 points for each year after 29).

According to Mr. Victor,

Based on personal relocation process I have come to see that the relocation processes, mostly the Federal Express Entry Program favors those below 35.

Himself failed to relocate through the Federal Express Entry Program because he moved his family to Canada when he was above 40 having tried since when he was below 40.

Also read: Top Easiest & Cheapest Ways to Migrate to Canada from Nigeria?

Top 5 Factors To Consider When Relocating From Nigeria To Canada

  1. Have you just finished undergrad (younger than 30) and want to pursue higher education? Go to Canada instead of going to the USA!

The US immigration system will stress you out for decades before you might manage to somehow get a green card. By the time you get a green card, you’ll be saddled with debt, child-care, healthcare costs etc.

Forget about becoming an entrepreneur or changing careers at any point in the US. You’re stuck to jobs which are related to your degree because your visa and green card application are based on your field of education.

2. If you have decided to go to Canada for your master’s (younger than 30), make sure you work in the field of your undergrad degree for 12 months before you start your master’s. That will push your points high because Canada wants people who have both Canadian as well as international experience.

You’ll be able to get your Permanent Residence within a few months of completing your master’s degree if you do this. If you don’t, you’ll have to wait till you have 12 months of Canadian experience in the field of your undergrad or your master’s before you can apply.

You should have your PR within 18 months of graduation either way (approval or rejection happens within 180 days of submission of application).

3. If you’ve already completed your Master’s/PhD in another country and have 1–3 years’ experience in the field of one of your degrees, set up your profile and apply now.

4. If you’re older than 30, you could still get through the PR process if you have a master’s/PhD and 1–3 years of experience in the same field as one of your degrees.

However, if you’re way older than 30 (39+), you’re better off applying for a Provincial Nomination before you apply for Permanent Residence. One of Canada’s 10 Provinces or 3 Territories should nominate you and say they would like to have you move to their province as an immigrant, based on your education and/or work experience.

This will give you 600 points on your PR profile and you’re sure to get through. However, it takes about 12 months (depending on the province) to get a Provincial Nomination, and you’ll be obliged to stay in that province for a few years, or your PR renewal application or citizenship application can get denied.

Exceptions can be made for people who can prove that they tried hard to get a job in that province but were not able to.

5. Are you a medical doctor, a pharmacist, or a lawyer? You’ll have to meet certain qualification criteria before you become eligible to practice in your field in Canada (depending on the province).

Find out what courses or exams you will be required to study, and how long it will take to do so. For some specialized medical doctors, this could take close to a decade.

This was from Mr. Kadayam.

See: Permanent Residency in Canada Blueprint by Victor Jegede Review

Things To Know When Immigrating To Canada At Over 50 Years


If you are over 50 and you need to relocate to Canada, first of all, you need not worry as there are special relocation processes for different sets of people. The only (assumed) bad thing is that you might spend a bit more or have to go the extra mile in terms of the relocation process.

With that being said below are the facts about Canada relocation if you are above 50.

Some valid conditions are as follows:

#1. First, there is no stated limit if you got Work Visa from the Canadian employer.

#2. If you are planning to move via Permanent Residency Visa with job then the maximum age is 40.

If you are considering permanent residency visa, at-least you have to offer a letter from the Canadian employer in your hand and with the 6+ years of Experience in your native country.

#3. No Age limit if you want to start your business over there. Tips from Verma, an immigration Consultant for Canada, Australia and Hong Kong.

There is absolutely no age limit per se. Certain points are awarded for age in the PR process and the max age for which points are awarded is 44. For the ages 45 and above no points will be awarded.

“If you’re referring to Express Entry program. Technically, there is no limit to when you can apply, although you get 0 CRS score in the age category for age 45 and above.

Maximum points attainable for age is 110 (without a spouse). So basically it is almost impossible to reach 400+” from Pusalkar.

Don’t miss — How To Migrate To Canada Without IELTS from Nigeria and Africa

Final Thoughts On The Best Time To Relocate To Canada

There is no specific age limit government has decided as soon as you meet the requirements and score required points.

Just as Motivational speaker will tell us, NOW IS THE TIME, and the Holy Bible says, now is the TIME of salvation, so, I will join forces with Yogesh Shukla, who is an Immigration Guidance to say,

Any time is the right time for applying Canada Immigration provided you are well-ready to settle and work in the country and meet their eligibility requirements for the selected visa category. Canada is very welcoming towards newcomers who genuinely want to work in the country.

The country is expected to bring in around 1 million migrants by the year 2020. Thus, now is the perfect and best time for Canada PR. Those migrants who want to live and work in Canada on a permanent basis are welcomed in the country to come and work by contributing to the Canadian economy.

Bear it at the back of your mind that Canada has set a target of welcoming 330,000 and 340,000 newcomers in 2019 and 2020.

>> Next on Permanence Residence: The Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot for Nigerians in 2021



Permanent Residence

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